PSLE T-Score Calculation

  • T-Scores are "Transformed Scores" used to standardize raw scores across all Primary 6 students
  • T-Scores give the relative marks of student's performance compared to all Primary 6 students
  • T-Scores are calculated for each individual subjects and added up to form the Aggregate T-Score

The PSLE grade indicates how well the student has performed in that particular subject based on an objective set of standards. Student's Aggregate T-Score indicates how well the student has performed on average in all 4 subjects relative to peers.

  • The belief that the maximum Aggregate T-Scores for PSLE is 300 is a misconception.
  • It is possible for a student to score 100/100 for all 4 subjects and yet not achieve the Aggregate Score of 300 for PSLE.
  • It is also possible for a student to score more than the Aggregate Score of 300.
  • The average Aggregate T-Score for PSLE is around 200 since average T-Score = 50 and the sum of 4 T-Scores for the 4 subjects is 200.

The image below is from SEAB website as of June'2015.

s is standard deviation, which is square root of variance. Variance is the average of the squared differences from the mean, m. If you're confused, you are welcomed to contact me for a detailed explanation on my free time.

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